School Code: WB316
033 2407 1890 / 91 / 92 Mon to Fri (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Online Application 2025-26 (Toddler - VIII)


  • Regular attendance is of utmost importance, including on the FIRST AND LAST day of EACH TERM and before examinations.
  • Students are expected to be punctual at all times.
  • The school gates will be opened at 7.45 am and closed every morning at 8.10 am. A grace period of 5 minutes for an exceptional reason for coming late will be considered and the child may be allowed to enter. Under no circumstances will a child be allowed to enter after 8.15 am which is the time for school assembly.
  • On being absent the cause of absence should be entered in the Diary in the prescribed column. A leave letter from the guardian must be submitted to the Class Teacher, clearly stating the reason for absence if the child has been absent for two or more days. Name, Class and section to be clearly mentioned in the letter.
  • In case of illness the Principal must be notified in writing by the third day, and the anticipated time of absence mentioned.
  • Girls absent from school on medical grounds must have a letter or an entry in their school diary from their parents/guardian when they re-join. A medical certificate must follow shortly.
  • Girls affected by infectious diseases like chicken pox, measles and mumps must complete the quarantine period before rejoining school. This should be indicated on their medical certificate.
  • Parents/guardians are advised not to send their child to school if she is unwell. There is no ½ day leave for students. Requests to send girls home early after unit tests/assessments for illness or doctors appointments will not be entertained.
  • The school has no provision for any re-tests for assessments, unit tests etc. which are missed due to absence.
  • All absence other than that due to illness, must be sanctioned by the Principal.
  • Girls absent from school for a period of 10 days without prior permission are liable to have their names struck off The School Rolls.

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